What we do 2

What we do

Empower Tomorrow, Today!

Sparkwave Energy brings you state-of-the-art renewable solutions for commercial and industrial companies. What sets us apart? We not only fund 100% of the required investment but also deliver energy at reduced prices, ensuring immediate and substantial savings all without any capital commitment from you.

What we do

  • Consultation Consultation
  • Proposal Proposal
  • Funding Funding
  • Installation Installation
  • Management Management

We start by understanding your business energy needs and sustainability targets. We assess your site and analyse electricity usage and pricing data.


We start by understanding your business energy needs and sustainability targets. We assess your site and analyse electricity usage and pricing data.


Once a fully financed option is agreed, we undertake site visits, grid connection applications, planning and any structural and access assessments.


We will work with you to develop a programme of works for installation, with the highest standards of health and safety while minimising disruption.


We will provide ongoing maintenance and ensure the optimization of your system. At the end of the agreed term, ownership of the system transfers to you.

What's in it for you?

Savings on the energy bill
Allows the customer to benefit from the production of cheaper energy with savings not only over the period of the project but also after it's end.

Savings on energy reduces corporate costs and increases competitiveness.

Asset profitability with zero investment
The project promoters are responsible for all the investment and maintenance costs, leaving the client free of any cost.

The only investment required from the customer is the provision of spaces, namely, land and/or roofs that would otherwise not be used.


Fixed electricity price 

Fixed price over the duration of the project at a high discount compared to the current market price.

This allows for not only significant savings, but also increases cos predictability by canceling out the fluctuations in the electricity market.


Sustainability and Green Energy
The global trend and strategy of large companies of global references lies in green energy, which contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emission.

Want to Know more
Self-Consumption for companies (UPAC)

Unlock the potential of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) technology with Spark Wave Energy, where we recognize solar PV as the most economically efficient electricity source globally. Our commitment goes beyond just acknowledging the benefits of solar energy – we provide a comprehensive suite of designed, installed, and fully managed commercial solar solutions.


In today's business landscape, commercial solar solutions stand out as a crucial avenue for reducing electricity costs and aligning with net-zero targets. Major global enterprises are increasingly adopting solar solutions, with many opting for fully funded options. Beyond the immediate advantages of energy and carbon savings, this approach allows businesses to preserve capital for strategic investments in their core operations.


Spark Wave Energy is your dedicated partner in this solar revolution. Our team is committed to delivering state-of-the-art solar PV solutions tailored to your commercial needs. Embrace the future of energy with confidence, choosing Spark Wave Energy for a seamless transition to sustainable practices. Experience the transformative power of solar PV, contributing not only to cost efficiency but also to a greener and more resilient energy future for your business.

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Self-Consumption for communities (CER)

Dive into the realm of Energy Communities with Spark Wave Energy, where we unite solar energy Producers and environmentally-conscious Consumers on a shared journey towards sustainability and reduced energy costs.


In Energy Communities, citizens, public entities, and private organizations collaborate to produce, consume, and share 100% renewable energy. The process begins with the installation of solar panels in spaces provided by Producers. These panels generate energy for self-consumption, and any surplus energy is distributed to fellow community members (Consumers).


Energy Communities at Spark Wave Energy are more than a concept; they are a transformative approach to energy consumption. To establish an Energy Community, all you need is a solar energy producer and at least one nearby consumer. At Spark Wave Energy, we simplify the creation of Energy Communities by assisting in member attraction and providing full support.


The journey unfolds as energy is generated by Producers through solar panels with our dedicated assistance. A portion of this energy is self-consumed by the Producer, while the surplus is shared with surrounding Consumers at a more competitive price. This collaborative effort ensures that everyone involved enjoys the benefits of clean and cost-effective energy, resulting in an average savings of 20% to 30% for all community members.


Join Spark Wave Energy in creating a sustainable and interconnected energy future through our innovative Energy Community solutions. Experience the power of collaboration for cleaner, greener, and more affordable energy.

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EV Chargers

Elevate your business with Spark Wave Energy's Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging solutions, tailored to meet the surging demand for electric vehicle infrastructure among your employees and visitors.


In an era of increasing electric car adoption, businesses across various sectors are expected to provide EV charging facilities. More than just installing outdoor plug sockets, this requires a deep understanding of how electric vehicles impact electricity demand and availability on your premises. At Spark Wave Energy, we go beyond the basics, delivering a comprehensive infrastructure and controls package to ensure seamless availability without compromising your daily operations. Collaborating with trusted partners within the Octopus family, we design, fund, and integrate the optimal level of EV charging infrastructure tailored to your specific needs. Our intelligent energy management ensures a superior user experience, balancing demand and supply efficiently.


Unlock a range of benefits with Spark Wave Energy's EV Charging solutions, including the opportunity to receive grants under the Government’s Workplace Charging Scheme, generating new revenue streams through charge fees, and supporting your Net Zero targets. It's not just about keeping up with the times; it's a powerful way to showcase your ongoing commitment to the energy transition. Join us in shaping a sustainable future and facilitating the smooth transition to electric mobility.

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Other Energy Services

Enhance your operational efficiency and environmental responsibility with Spark Wave Energy's suite of energy optimization solutions. In today's organizational landscape, energy stands as a substantial cost factor, both financially and environmentally.


To gain a competitive edge, it is crucial to drive down current energy consumption through the fine-tuning of equipment and system operation conditions. Our focus on energy efficiency aims not only at reducing energy consumption and associated financial costs but also at minimizing environmental impacts.


At Spark Wave Energy, we collaborate with you, making strategic investments to meet current needs while optimizing energy consumption for substantial financial savings. Energy management is not just about cutting costs; it's about looking at energy as a competitive advantage.


Choose Spark Wave Energy for cutting-edge solutions that go beyond mere energy management – we empower your business with sustainable practices, financial savings, and operational efficiency.

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Why SWE!

Our commitment to excellence extends beyond providing cutting-edge renewable energy solutions. Backed by the expertise of Octopus Energy Generation, we bring global experience to your doorstep. 

Choose us for seamless consultations, personalized proposals, and 100% funded installations that ensure immediate savings without any capital burden or any other burden on your end.

With Spark Wave Energy, you're not just investing in a service; you're investing in a partnership dedicated to guide your business through the path of Energy Transition. Take the first step towards a brighter, more sustainable future – choose Spark Wave Energy and power your success.